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At Rose Kids, we’ve set out to disciple young leaders who have real and thriving personal relationships with Jesus. Each week, your little world-changers grow more and more in love with God and his house through our Rose Kids experience! Rose Kids has unique 4 experiences for kids aged 6 months to grade 5 and each experience has interactive worship, relevant and fun teaching for each age group and clear application of the Bible to the lives of your children. We promise, your kids are going to love Rose Kids!



Ages 6 - 24 months

Your infants will experience a time of meaningful and structured activities. As your child grows, they will be cared for and surrounded by servant leaders who lavish them with love and affection.


Ages 2 - 4 years

Your toddlers will experience a fun and dynamic environment designed to teach them through song, story, crafts and playtime. More time is devoted to lesson time and worship to help prepare your young ones as they grow and develop in their relationship with Jesus.



Grades K-2

Your older children will experience activities and a message designed specifically for their age group. Connect Groups provide a unique and immersive learning environment tailored just for your child where they can ask questions and explore their faith with dedicated and passionate servant leaders who love and care about your children.


Grades 3-5

Your older children will experience activities and a message designed specifically for their age group. Connect Groups provide a unique and immersive learning environment tailored just for your child where they can ask questions and explore their faith with dedicated and passionate servant leaders who love and care about your children.


Child Dedications are for families who are a part of Rose Church that desire for their children to be prayed over, blessed and dedicated to the Lord in our community. We host Child Dedications on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Click here to learn more and to sign up to dedicate your child(ren).


Our Nursery is a quiet and initiate space for parents to get out of the crowd with your child to nurse (in a semi-private area), comfort them or just take a break during church. This relaxing space is equipped with everything you need to take care of yourself and your baby. And our service is streamed so you don't have to miss it.


Every child belongs at Rose Kids! Children who have additional needs can be paired with a designated Sidekick who will show them the love and kindness of Jesus, look after them and ensure they have the best time possible while you enjoy church. To request a Sidekick for your little hero, please indicate it in your Registration Form or talk to one of our Rose Kids leaders on Sunday.

Kid's Playing Outdoor

"Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."

MARK 10:14


What do I do on my first visit?

During your child's first visit to Rose Kids you will need to register your child(ren) at the Rose Kids Registration area. Once you register, you can check in your child(ren) to Rose Kids at our self-check-in area where they will spend the duration of the service with other kids their age and Servant Leaders to care for and teach them. Check-in and Registration opens 15 minutes prior to service starting.

How do I know my kids are safe?

The safety of children is of utmost importance to us. We have a secure check-in process for kids and servant leaders and only authorized Team Members are able to access our Rose Kids rooms. Only those who have a matching alpha-numeric code (printed and given to children and parents at check-in) are able to pick up kids once service is over. We also have a Safety Team that monitors our building and Rose Kids area the entire service. 

What is Heroes & Sidekicks?

Heroes & Sidekicks is our ministry for children with additional needs. At Rose Kids, our desire is to provide every child with an opportunity to learn about God’s love. Our Heroes & Sidekicks team is here to partner with your family as you participate in the life of Rose Church by providing a Sidekick to join your little hero throughout the entire Rose Kids experience. To request a Sidekick, please indicate it on your Registration Form or talk to one of our Rose Kids Leaders. 


Rose Kids isn't babysitting,

it's discipleship. There is no junior Holy Spirit.

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