We couldn’t do this without you!

Ways To Give

Through your financial partnership with Rose Church we will continue to see people from all walks of life discover Jesus and flourish in their God-given purpose.

Thank you so much for your generosity towards Rose Church! Every gift of every amount helps to change the world in Jesus name!

All donations are eligible for Canadian tax receipts issued from Rose Church Winnipeg Inc. Amounts are in Canadian dollars. Please follow instructions clearly to ensure you receive a donation receipt.

In the event funds for designated projects are abandoned or completed, the remaining restricted funds may be transferred back to unrestricted funds to use where most needed.

  • Give Online Now

    To give online as a one-time or recurring gift.

  • Give Via Debit or e-Transfer


    Please send your e-transfer to give@rosechurch.ca and include your mailing address and email in the memo/message area (only do this the first time you give) so we can ensure that you get a tax receipt. If you are prompted, set the security question to ‘What is our city?’ And make the answer ‘Winnipeg’. Thank you!


    If you wish to give via debit and you have a Visa Debit or MasterCard Debit you can give through the same method as a credit card and give online. You can give a one-time gift or set up recurring donations. Simply select the give 'online’ option and follow the prompts. You can also give via debit at church in person by visiting our giving station at the Welcome Centre. Thanks so much!

  • Give Via Cash or Cheque


    Please do not send cash in the mail. Only use the cash option to give if you are making your donation in person. You can give in person at service on Sunday or bring it to Rose by appointment. Please make an appointment by emailing give@rosechurch.ca to give in person at Rose. Thank you!


    Please make all cheques payable to ‘Rose Church’.

    You can drop off your gift via cheque in person (by appointment) or mail it to Rose Church.

    Rose Church Mailing Address

    67 630 Kernaghan Ave, Winnipeg, MB R2C-5G1

  • Give In Person

    You can give in person during any service using your preferred giving method. You can also give in person by appointment.